eanaliza.pl Edu - educational version
A new educational module, called Edu version, of the eanaliza.pl system has been added. The module is intended for students and pupils, as well as lecturers and teachers conducting classes in financial subjects. The Edu version can be a tool supporting the teaching process in the field of finance, enterprise management or financial analysis.
The access to the Edu version is completely free. The users should log in to the system using an email from the university domain. If they use a different email address, the system will tell them what to do next, i.e., how to confirm that they are students.
Below are some examples of how students can use the Edu version of the eanaliza.pl system:
the results of the company's financial analysis in the form of charts and tables can be easily included in the projects, assignments and other works, enriching their content,
it is possible to carry out exercises of acquired knowledge in the field of finances and financial analysis on real examples,
it is possible to forward the results of exercises to lecturers to check or assess the progress of work.
The Edu version of the eanaliza.pl system gives lecturers the opportunity to verify the progress of students' work. This is done by using the system functions in the form of user or observer roles. The student who is the account owner gives editing or read-only privileges to the analysis they perform.
Access to the educational version is possible from the level of the eanaliza.pl homepage in the banner Educational tool under the button called Educational version. You can also use the link https://eanaliza.pl/edu-web/ directly.