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e-Statements browser

Tool aim

The e-Statements browser is a tool for converting the financial statements in the form of *.xml files into *.pdf files, making it easier to read and interpret them, even without the knowledge of XML. The statements are published within the eKRS system.

The browser is able to process the following statement types, defined according to the logical structures published on the website of the Ministry of Finance:

  • for other entities (in zloty and thousands),
  • for consolidated other entities (in zloty and thousands)
  • for small entities (in zloty and thousands),
  • for micro entities (in zloty and thousands),
  • for non-governmental organizations (in zloty and thousands),
  • for insurance companies (in zloty and thousands),
  • for consolidated insurance companies (in zloty and thousands).

How it works

To use the browser, it is required to submit the financial statement in the form of *.xml file, downloaded beforehand from the eKRS system. To submit the file you use the Browse button or simply drag and drop the file in the designated place. WARNING! The file is sent automatically. The browser does not accept files in formats different than *.xml.


If the submitted file is compliant with one of the aforementioned structures, a *.pdf preview will be displayed in a moment. Besides, if the statement lists additional attachments, they can be downloaded as a *.zip archive, using the Download attachments button. In case of problems with processing the file (e.g., due to incompatible or outdated format), appropriate error messages will be displayed.

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